Read this if you've forgotten your password
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Author:  dave [ Tue May 12, 2009 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Read this if you've forgotten your password

Assuming that you've forgotten your password and are at the LOGIN screen, click where it says "I forgot my password" under the password box.

Password - 01.JPG
Password - 01.JPG [ 68.95 KiB | Viewed 5389 times ]

This should then take you to a new screen that asks you for your USERNAME and EMAIL ADDRESS. You must give it the email address you originally signed up with, not just some random one. If you have a home and a work email address, ensure you enter in the correct info!

Password - 02.JPG
Password - 02.JPG [ 66.77 KiB | Viewed 5390 times ]

This should then send an email to the email address you originally nominated. The email will contain either your password or a replacement password (I can't remember which one).

Congratulations! You are well on the road to Information Technology Super Stardom!

If this doesn't work, email one of us at:



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