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Phillip Island Classic. March 7-9. 
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Joined: Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:54 am
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I'm going, and have a car in the expo display shed this year. We might get to do a few display laps on Sunday, but that all depends on how well the race schedule goes.
Is the biggest historic race meeting in the southern hemisphere, and regarded by many as the best in the world.
Sees over 500 historic race entries from all over the world, ranging from the 20's to the 90's, and Sunday has a car show the length of the front straight. They're saying the show alone could have 2000 cars or more this year.
If u haven't been before, I strongly suggest u make an effort to be there. While racing isn't everyone's cup of tea, the cars themselves are to die for and well worth the trip just to look at.
Best part about the event is that it's only $30 or something to get in, and u have access EVERYWHERE. Nothing is closed off if your not dressed a certain way or don't know the 'right' people. Even access into the pits is unlimited.
Hopefully some of u will come down.

Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:47 am
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Car(s): '72 Sport Bellett (imported 180912), M/B AMG A35, i30, had Belletts in past, 2 sed, 3 GT's.
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PR91 wrote:
I'm going, and have a car in the expo display shed this year. We might get to do a few display laps on Sunday, but that all depends on how well the race schedule goes.
Is the biggest historic race meeting in the southern hemisphere, and regarded by many as the best in the world.
Sees over 500 historic race entries from all over the world, ranging from the 20's to the 90's, and Sunday has a car show the length of the front straight. They're saying the show alone could have 2000 cars or more this year.
If u haven't been before, I strongly suggest u make an effort to be there. While racing isn't everyone's cup of tea, the cars themselves are to die for and well worth the trip just to look at.
Best part about the event is that it's only $30 or something to get in, and u have access EVERYWHERE. Nothing is closed off if your not dressed a certain way or don't know the 'right' people. Even access into the pits is unlimited.
Hopefully some of u will come down.

Not decided yet if i will go. How does one 'enter' the display section. Just roll up ?? Or is it for some other class of cars ...

slight correction, Brett. Friday is $30, sat and sunday are dearer.

'72 PR60 Sport

Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:37 am
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The shed where mine will be is invite only. They've cut the number down from 60 to 20 this year too so they can fit more vendors in there instead... Read: vendors pay for space, we dont, so they make more money.
Most are clubs that have reserved areas already along the front straight. Was no point even thinking BCCV for that coz I've tried in the past and can't even get a reply from people.
Single cars like urself can park anywhere from the tunnel/walk bridge down to turn 1 tho. Well that's what they've done in the past anyway and I've got there early and parked right next to the tunnel/bridge, opposite the start line, and I know the area from turn 12 to the tunnel/bridge is reserved for clubs again, so I assume it's the same this year too.
Prices I was unsure of coz I've got passes so I didn't worry about finding out. $30 has always been in the ball park for entry tho. Still bloody cheap when u compare it to that V8SC rubbish @ $80.... per day, coz a 3 day pass for the Classic isn't even close to that.

Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:20 am
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PR91 wrote:
Was no point even thinking BCCV for that coz I've tried in the past and can't even get a reply from people.

Prices I was unsure of coz I've got passes so I didn't worry about finding out. $30 has always been in the ball park for entry tho. Still bloody cheap when u compare it to that V8SC rubbish @ $80.... per day, coz a 3 day pass for the Classic isn't even close to that.

I still think the meet should have been in our BCCV magazine as an outing. It is always going to be hard to get interest at last minute.

$45 on Sunday

'72 PR60 Sport

Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:56 pm
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As stated, I've done so before and got no interest. And more than once.
They want at least 6 cars (i think) for a club area, so when we struggle to get 2 at anything else, the last thing I'll do is waste my and the organisers time trying to do something that won't happen.
Hanging Rock was advertised, and the same again other than 1 call to me to say they couldn't attend.
The event itself could have been just listed in the calendar, but hasn't been for years as I have no control over what is or isn't put into the newsletter.

Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:23 pm
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PR91 wrote:
As stated, I've done so before and got no interest. And more than once.
They want at least 6 cars (i think) for a club area, so when we struggle to get 2 at anything else, the last thing I'll do is waste my and the organisers time trying to do something that won't happen.
Hanging Rock was advertised, and the same again other than 1 call to me to say they couldn't attend.
The event itself could have been just listed in the calendar, but hasn't been for years as I have no control over what is or isn't put into the newsletter.

Brett, what can i say?
Bellettmania is there for BCCV members for info and events. All members are invited to contribute. Getting people to go, I know is a problem sometimes, but don't give up. I have mentioned other events here at times and had little or no feed back too. Barrie and I went to the Gippsland Breakfast with the Prince Club and enjoyed it a lot even though the Sport gave a bit of trouble on the way. :( .

'72 PR60 Sport

Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:58 pm
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Hearin' ya loud and clear mate.
What's makes it really disappointing is when u see the activity elsewhere, which is what we had for years and years when we were the only ones doing things, and now there's basically nothing.....

Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:03 am
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Car(s): '72 Sport Bellett (imported 180912), M/B AMG A35, i30, had Belletts in past, 2 sed, 3 GT's.
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PR91 wrote:
Hearin' ya loud and clear mate.
What's makes it really disappointing is when u see the activity elsewhere, which is what we had for years and years when we were the only ones doing things, and now there's basically nothing.....

Unfortunately those days maybe gone, but unless the Club (any club) publicizes as many event as possible, well in advance preferably, then people become complacent i guess, thinking there is nothing going on. A bit of a rev up or phoning likely 'suspects' might get some out?
eg We are lucky in Vic that outings do not have to be club events etc, with our Permit system, allowing us to go to many events or just for a drive. Last week we (M & I) went for a drive down the Peninsula for a picnic. Took many back roads, not all on the the freeway. Perfect weather, the Bay was calm. Very relaxing. (practicing for Tassie?)

'72 PR60 Sport

Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:40 am
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I know exactly what u mean mate.
We do a few things here abd there outside of the club too.

The PI weekend has a few of the regulars going anyway (Craig, Gav, Wal, yourself and me) and I think Dave was talking about making the trip over too, so when u look at it that way, I guess it becomes a "club" event without the club.

Will be a good weekend anyway.

Wed Feb 19, 2014 1:06 am

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Great weekend as always. Craig was there working away as tyre boy, like normal, and Gav came down as well as forum member Dazman63.
Pics and info received from it all to follow.

Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:17 am
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