Heater Set up
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Author:  Jeff [ Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Heater Set up

I am overhauling the heater in Dad's Bellett and wanted to know where the heater cable connects to the engine to what I have missing, if someone has a photo could you please share.

I am also repairing the heater core and there is a valve on the side of the core, does anyone have a good one for sale or have the handle for the valve spare. I have attached a couple of picks as reference.

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Author:  CQGT [ Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heater Set up

Jeff. The valve can be repaired. Remove circlip and replace the 2 "o" rings. They've just gone hard with age.
A light sand with 600 w & d paper whilst it is apart. Don't forget to assemble with waterpump grease or equivalent.
Heater handles' are hard to come by. You've got the tempory/permanent fix. :lol: A knob off of an old stove may do. :)
Normally only 2 cables on Belletts. I see you have the complete heater unit out. There's the main air intake and the
other is the direction door for the demist or cabin flow.
If I get a chance on the weekend I will measure the cables and advise.


Author:  CQGT [ Mon Apr 27, 2015 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heater Set up

The length of the 2 cables are 390mm & 215mm.
The 390 is for the air direction.
My first Bellett that I bought [1968] never had a heater from new.
I bought a SMITHS heater as an accessory and installed it. The kit came with 1/2 inch hoses and a manual tap.
The tap was mounted onto the outlet on the waterpump and a cable, similar to a choke cable, controlled the
flow of water.


File comment: Bottom lever is for air direction.
Top lever is for air intake.

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