In response to a recent query, Tom reported the following:
There are two Bellett Blank keys that are available readily online. There are a number of suppliers, but the ones who supplied Isuzu originally were Dominion Locks of Montreal Canada and these are most of the key copy blanks that were readily available in the day. Ilco of the USA also makes copies of these blanks today. Both keys are flat one side and grooved the other with offset nose. There were a lot of local Ezy Cut copies in the late 1970’s that were cast brass and there maybe a few of these as NOS still floating around along with some Silka. These below are still available.
Dominion Lock Co. Montreal Canada (DL)
Ignition and Door Key blank: SZ2
Boot Key blank: SZ1
The petrol cap key is the same as the Ignition key (SZ2) and the key types changed in early 1972 when new steering wheel locks were introduced for both the Bellett and Florian, introducing double sided keys.
The difference between the key is the SZ2 is slightly shorter than the SZ1 which has a small hump on the key tooth face.
Both key blanks are available on Google and eBay if you search for the correct Dominion or ilco name and part no. SZ2 or SZ1. The blanks start at around US$4.50 plus postage and upwards.
I have a number of these DL duplicate keys and they are exact copies. I would assume the iIco, Silka and JMA ones may also be copies. ... etail.html~US$ 4.50 each blank
Regards, Tom