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Author:  2ldohc [ Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  DISCLAIMER:


If you are posting to this section please ensure that your information is as clear as possible and if there is some danger or ambiguity to what you are proposing it is clearly out lined.

Any advice given on this site is given in good faith by the posting user but there is no guarantee given or implied by's moderators or administrators that anything listed is 100% accurate.

Any actions taken after reading a thread on this forum is solely your own and we, the Moderators and Administrators of do not bear any responsibility for the outcome. At the end of the day if you follow something you read on this site and it hurts you or damages your property then we are not to be held responsible as the actions are solely your own.

This said the utmost care will be taken to ensure that any posts of a technical nature are 100% accurate to the best of our knowledge and any incorrect posts will be removed (or commented on) as soon as practical.

Please use common sense when working on your Bellett or any other car as not only does petrol taste bad, coolant is hot (and tastes bad), oil makes everything slippery and a car held only by a jack is asking for trouble.

Good luck and stay safe. Moderators

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