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Joined: Mon May 20, 2013 9:35 pm Posts: 20 Location: South Coast NSW
Car(s): 1965 Bellett Sedan - 1966 Pontiac Parisienne - 1971 Lincoln Continental Town Car - VY SS Commodore
Just had to share some pictures of my father in laws 1965 Isuzu Bellett It has to be one of the best examples anywhere with only 8000 genuine miles & plastic still on all door trims. It is immaculate from the body, interior, engine & still has its original tyres - I wouldn't trust them too much at 100km/h
I offered to store it for him after it was sitting in a shed unloved for years. I store a couple of other cars for him & this is the one that people are most impressed with. An older lady owned it & clearly didn't drive it much, It was last registered in 1985.
I have steamed out the fuel tank & lines, changed plugs, cleaned points & she runs like new, smooth & quiet. Thankfully he would never sell these cars & hopefully I can in future fix some brakes & put some historic car rego on it. Would love to bring it out for a trip with you guys in future.
Mon May 20, 2013 11:08 pm |
gt orphanage
Joined: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:23 am Posts: 1816
thats awsome and in good hands by the looks of things well done. Hopefully you get to drive it and we all get to see it. What state are you in 
Mon May 20, 2013 11:14 pm |
Joined: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:05 am Posts: 620 Location: Western Victoria
Car(s): Bellett GT, Bellett Sedan, Prince Skyline GT, Porsche tractor, Lanz Bulldog, 996 Carrera 4,Prince Miler,
Really ,really nice - maybe the best example in the ,the,the,the - WORLD....! Love to see it. KB
_________________ Around here the Laws of Physics and Reality are strictly enforced !
Tue May 21, 2013 12:27 am |
Joined: Sat Oct 10, 2009 7:52 am Posts: 685
Car(s): 67 Bellett Auto Sedan, 65 Wasp, 73 Chev Luv, 1/2 A Chev Luv, VX Commodore
Whoops Just about shorted my Laptop out with drool! That Is one NICE Sedan. Sounds like its in a great Home too Look forward to seeing it! Josh
Tue May 21, 2013 12:41 am |
Joined: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:05 am Posts: 620 Location: Western Victoria
Car(s): Bellett GT, Bellett Sedan, Prince Skyline GT, Porsche tractor, Lanz Bulldog, 996 Carrera 4,Prince Miler,
Davo, Make sure that you have had your medication before you look at this KB
_________________ Around here the Laws of Physics and Reality are strictly enforced !
Tue May 21, 2013 1:49 am |
Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:15 am Posts: 1991
Car(s): 1965 Wasp, 1966 Bellett, 1967 Bellett, 1969 Florian, 1973 Bellett GTR, 1976 Buick Opel by Isuzu, 1978 Gemini van
Holy guacamole!!!! Surely... unless anyone else can better it, that must be the best-preserved Bellett in the history of Australian Belletting?!??! 8,000 miles?!?!?!??!?? Hang on, let me say that again... 8,000 miles??!?!?!At let me also say this: Others might know better, but it looks like a 1965-ish by the trim in it. bambam72 wrote: An older lady owned it & clearly didn't drive it much Understatement of the century! 8,000 miles in 20 years of registration is ridiculous!!!! Hope to see you at some events... but don't put too many miles on it! Glad to have you on board. Dave
_________________My latest automotive articles and original content shared here: Machine! Unique Cars! Awesome!
Tue May 21, 2013 3:03 am |
Joined: Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:54 am Posts: 2544
welcome BamBam. awesome car mate. has to be the best preserved one in the country. a true time capsule! is a pity u hadn't found us before October last year because by your location, we were in your area for our national meeting in Merimbula... how about a trip to Adelaide in September then? cheers.
Tue May 21, 2013 4:21 am |
Joined: Mon May 20, 2013 9:35 pm Posts: 20 Location: South Coast NSW
Car(s): 1965 Bellett Sedan - 1966 Pontiac Parisienne - 1971 Lincoln Continental Town Car - VY SS Commodore
Thought you guys might appreciate the pics I think it is a pretty special car myself Hard to believe it will be 50 years old in a couple of years
Sorry to hear I missed you at Merimbula last year I would love to check out your Belletts on a future run Even better if I am driving this one at the time
I am sure it's a 65, I even have the original service book that was sold with the car Just confirmed that it was my father in laws aunty that had the car from new.
Glad to see there are so many people keeping these things on the road. Keep it up
Tue May 21, 2013 5:05 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:03 pm Posts: 2419
Car(s): 1966 TEARDROP ...MANUAL ...
bloody hell yet another one appears my daughter and I were looking at ...sorry a vw 71 model with 57.000 ks its mint and so is this puppy brown capsule model .....I have a trade .....cheers davo
Tue May 21, 2013 9:26 am |
Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2008 11:30 am Posts: 405
Car(s): Bellett GT,
 What a great looking Tear Drop,Blue is my colour in the Tear Drop,as that was my Dads first,then to me,but you could park that one in my shed anytime,have you got the crank handle,and have you tried to give her a swing,I have many a time,just watch where you hold your thumb,thanks for showing,  Gerry
Tue May 21, 2013 9:34 am |
Joined: Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:29 pm Posts: 1524 Location: Kallangur, Brisbane QLD
Car(s): 3x1965 PR20(Donkey, Jenny n Bundy) 1 1969 PR20(Percy) 2 1968 PR20(Eugine n GT Donor) 1 1968 PR91 GT, 1 1965 Wasp
I JUST WET MY PANTS  (and I'm proud to admit it) that is one BEAUTIFUL teardrop sedan. A credit to your father in law (does he have any more daughters?  ) Don't EVER let that baby go!
_________________ 1xB+1xE+2xL+1xE+2xT=BELLETT RUST isn't a crime
Tue May 21, 2013 10:06 am |
Joined: Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:57 am Posts: 25
Oh Sticky!!!
Tue May 21, 2013 11:06 am |
Joined: Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:16 am Posts: 1157 Location: Adelaide north near the hills.
Car(s): Roman Red 1965 Sedan, Mint 67 Sedan Auto, 1967 GT , 1.5x 1967 sedans, 1968 Deluxe Sedan, 1965 Wasp Ute (Resto project)
that is absolutely amazing !!!!!!!!!
got to be the best I have seen or heard of in many many years.
glad to hear she is running so well too. may need to trailer her over to Adelaide in September for the Bay 2 Birdwood.
Should win the original car award at the Nationals easy
thanks for sharing the great photos too
_________________ So many toys and so little time to play!!
Tue May 21, 2013 12:00 pm |
Joined: Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:35 pm Posts: 211 Location: Florida
Car(s): 1968 Bellett 1300 2dr, 06 Scion XA ,05 Chrysler PT Cruiser GT Turbo HO
Wow Yeah, that car is special, love the color, and that dash, how nice is that! ... do you have a name for her/him? Mark
Tue May 21, 2013 7:43 pm |
Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 11:52 am Posts: 843 Location: Sunshine Coast QLD
Car(s): PR95 PR20 WASP SWB NH Pajero Superchrged NT Pajero BF SR6 Falcon
Tue May 21, 2013 11:28 pm |
Joined: Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:17 pm Posts: 2612 Location: Rye Park, N.S.W.
Car(s): Doris, AuntyMary, Shrek, Jimmy; GT, Wasp, Flo & Sed unrestos; 65 Elf; 82 Rodeo, 60 TX550, 72 Sport, & a Sigma.
There is nothing impossible in this world!Today I've seen an Isuzu Elf (been so long!) and now this absolute treasure. Whats next, a '59 TX-550 6 tonner?? What is there to say, I just keep going back to the pics for a closer look! Pwease be vewy vewy careful!! I'm a believer in "their meant to be driven" but this is sooo museum piece. Nah, bring it, show us, please. (Club rego available through Isuzu Car Club of Aus.) Maybe just fit a set of road tyres for the trip, then put those back on for display. (I'll donate spare rims!) Love it, very admiration! We need a drooling face icon! Cheers, Matt.
_________________ Life is far too short not to fill it with what you love. - Jackie French.[/size]
Wed May 22, 2013 4:54 am |
Joined: Mon May 20, 2013 9:35 pm Posts: 20 Location: South Coast NSW
Car(s): 1965 Bellett Sedan - 1966 Pontiac Parisienne - 1971 Lincoln Continental Town Car - VY SS Commodore
I really appreciate the response so I thought I would throw up a couple more shots It is a brilliant little car & I agree it is a toss up between driving it & preserving it.
It should be pretty easy to get back on the road as it is basically all new. Not sure how easy club rego is to organise but I will look into it
Enjoy Graham
Wed May 22, 2013 6:15 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:39 am Posts: 1136 Location: Adelaide Hills
Car(s): GU Patrol, AU ute, 1969 florian deluxe, 1976 Luv & 1980 KB 4x4 isuzu
very nice, welcome aboard! that is a beauty.
_________________ I am "that" Florian guy. never buy a car you cant push.
Wed May 22, 2013 8:16 am |
Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:15 am Posts: 1991
Car(s): 1965 Wasp, 1966 Bellett, 1967 Bellett, 1969 Florian, 1973 Bellett GTR, 1976 Buick Opel by Isuzu, 1978 Gemini van
My theory is that if you keep the miles under say, 15-20,000, it will still be a SUPER SUPER low-mileage car...
I mean, if you put it on Club Rego and put a few hundred miles on it a year, then that's not so bad...
_________________My latest automotive articles and original content shared here: Machine! Unique Cars! Awesome!
Wed May 22, 2013 11:03 am |
gt orphanage
Joined: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:23 am Posts: 1816
Farmer i have your truck photo's coming truck and bus form just wait till i get home i will put some up. I thinked of u when i seed them  and tooked picture.
Wed May 22, 2013 11:59 am |