Other than being in my own GT or part of an organised cruise, i have never seen a random Bellett on the streets of Adelaide before.........UNTIL YESTERDAY, saturday 2nd of November.
On the way back from a wedding in Maitland, Liz and i were coming down Milne rd. at about 6pm. I says to Liz "that's got to be an original Bellett Sedan" coming towards us up the hill
I had to look again as i thought i was halucinating, beige in colour it was.
As it gets closer i spot none other than proffesor "OZ" in the drivers seat, i give him a honk of the horn from the golden Omega we were driving, but he seemed to be checking out the telemetry on the dash.
So mate, you were spotted in that lovely original looking tear drop
. Who was the passenger ??