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gt orphanage
Joined: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:23 am Posts: 1816
I have been modifying my shed of late. Our council and I don't get on as they think they have the power. But I have the power its my land and welder and grinder I win  . It was not an extension I am quite pleased with it as I started with some posts and each week planned the next stage and what I needed to do it. It will fit 10 Isuzu cars  I need to get some guttering yet.
Sun Mar 30, 2014 11:49 pm |
 Love it!! Both the signs and the council attitude 
Sun Mar 30, 2014 11:57 pm |
Joined: Tue May 10, 2011 2:23 am Posts: 2824 Location: Melb.
Car(s): '72 Sport Bellett (imported 180912), M/B AMG A35, i30, had Belletts in past, 2 sed, 3 GT's.
we all need one of them (at least)
_________________ '72 PR60 Sport
Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:01 am |
gt orphanage
Joined: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:23 am Posts: 1816
The big shed is beside it that's when I had a whoops with council. They had 3000 reasons why it could not be built. After a heap of nasty letters they gave up.
Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:04 am |
So the moral of the story is build a bigger shed in the first place for just in case you need to....................(fill in the blanks). Expand the business House burns down and you need somewhere to live Find a farm shed out the back of central queensland with more belletts, wasps and spare parts than your've ever owned in your life and no-one showed up for the clearance sale 
Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:14 am |
Joined: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:36 am Posts: 579
Car(s): 68gt coupe , 98 toyota prado
 all councils are tared with same brush  .....don't let em win looks good
Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:26 am |
gt orphanage
Joined: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:23 am Posts: 1816
I told them once they should not take on any other projects until they get pothole sorted out first. As they seem to struggle with that.
Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:29 am |
Joined: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:51 am Posts: 1034
Car(s): 1964 GT Isuzu Bellett
Pot holes are for the bad boys from correctional services to do  Councils just can't stand someone doing it for themselves without cashing in on some tax or other And who designed the VERY, VERY, cute GTR.....Awwwww. They captured it's true cheekyness. Quick council story: We bordered on the civic centre when building on a new property in Laura. We quoted for 1.8 metre colourbond fence for privacy from the many functions happening next door. They said could only contribute cost for half of a 1 metre high coro fence. Much nasty letters to and fro and visits from dickhead building inspector. We ended up paying full amount for 1.8 high and sent them account for their bit. They went quiet and we never saw a cent. B.
Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:48 am |
Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 11:52 am Posts: 843 Location: Sunshine Coast QLD
Car(s): PR95 PR20 WASP SWB NH Pajero Superchrged NT Pajero BF SR6 Falcon
GTtoo wrote: Pot holes are for the bad boys from correctional services to do  Councils just can't stand someone doing it for themselves without cashing in on some tax or other And who designed the VERY, VERY, cute GTR.....Awwwww. They captured it's true cheekyness. Quick council story: We bordered on the civic centre when building on a new property in Laura. We quoted for 1.8 metre colourbond fence for privacy from the many functions happening next door. They said could only contribute cost for half of a 1 metre high coro fence. Much nasty letters to and fro and visits from dickhead building inspector. We ended up paying full amount for 1.8 high and sent them account for their bit. They went quiet and we never saw a cent. B. Send the Bastards a bill for the interest, that's what they would do if you don't pay your rates. 
Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:30 am |
Joined: Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:16 am Posts: 1157 Location: Adelaide north near the hills.
Car(s): Roman Red 1965 Sedan, Mint 67 Sedan Auto, 1967 GT , 1.5x 1967 sedans, 1968 Deluxe Sedan, 1965 Wasp Ute (Resto project)
Problems with people working for Council. Vast majority think they will one day be the Mayor, and in the meantime, behave just like they are! Cant be the man at home cause of her indoors, but at work I can tell everyone what to do... Hero in my own lunchbox indeed
_________________ So many toys and so little time to play!!
Mon Mar 31, 2014 10:37 am |
Joined: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:51 am Posts: 1034
Car(s): 1964 GT Isuzu Bellett
Must be extra sweet when you can tell them to "shove it" B.
Mon Mar 31, 2014 11:08 am |