This is a particularly interesting brochure featuring BELLETTPR10's fantastic PR10 Bellett!
The brochure is undated, however based on an educated guess, we have estimated the year at around 1970. Like BELLETTPR10's car the following applies;
- The car does not have rear quarter panel vents and therefore has no flow-through ventilation; Belletts from about 1971 onwards have the extra vents on the rear quarters (at least we think so).
- The car features the original 'long bonnet' of all pre-1971 cars. Later cars that have the rear quarter panel vents also have a shorter bonnet (with full-width cowl panel) and relocated wipers to sweep in a normal arc. The cars in this brochure have the long bonnet that extends fully to the windscreen, the small cowl panel and the smaller wipers that sweep opposite to most conventional cars a 'feature' of the Bellett since it's inception in 1963/1964.
Note the base-model deleted chrome strips and deleted over-riders.
Clearly the new model was big news with a 70ps (that's like Japanese horsepower) engine. The line you can see half-way through the numerals '7' and '0' is the edge of the top page of the brochure. The bottom half of the large '70' from panel 3 is also the bottom half of the front page numeral '70'.
1970 Isuzu Bellett 1300 brochure - Japanese - single sheet, 4-panels - panel 01.jpg [ 88.77 KiB | Viewed 13218 times ]
Further evidence that the year is approximately 1970;
- The steering wheel is from the 1969+ cars, while the dashboard features fake wood despite being a base-model; previous Belletts only featured fake wood on Deluxe and GT models!
- The speedo is in KM/H. Local Aussie 1969-model sedans had a MPH speedometer but it's hard to ascertain if this gauge would have changed in Japan, Australia and other markets at the same time, if ever.
Note the delete cigarette lighter!
1970 Isuzu Bellett 1300 brochure - Japanese - single sheet, 4-panels - panel 02.jpg [ 107.45 KiB | Viewed 13215 times ]
1969-model cars did away with the floor-mounted dipswitch with the Bellett getting a modern-style, indicator-stalk-mounted dipswitch; this model appears to be the same.
Earlier 2-door sedans had non-reclining seats on the base model (according to another brochure already scanned for the site), while this featured vehicle shows the seats as being the much more practical folding examples, although this featured car lacks the awesome 'Bellett'-embossed headrests of BELLETTPR10's car!
1970 Isuzu Bellett 1300 brochure - Japanese - single sheet, 4-panels - panel 03.jpg [ 129.49 KiB | Viewed 13212 times ]
From the rear, the 1969-model tail lights feature, while the boot hinges are painted, unlike the 1969 model (and all Aussie-spec Belletts) which are chromed.
1970 Isuzu Bellett 1300 brochure - Japanese - single sheet, 4-panels - panel 04.jpg [ 118.16 KiB | Viewed 13212 times ]
All up this is a really interesting brochure. It came out well considering I had to cobble some bits together! The overall height of the brochure exceeded my scanner by about 13mm.
I wish I could read Japanese!