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Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:30 am Posts: 487
Car(s): Alfa 33, 1935 Riley Special
How about Betsy from the Beach Boys' Ballad of Ole Betsy? Change the date and substitute Fujisawa for Detriot City........
"She was born in '32, and was she ever pretty She rode a freight train west, all the way from Detroit city Betsy's seen more places than I'll ever hope to see Betsy's been more loyal than any friend could be
With some she travelled fast, with others it was slow Betsy's seen them all, she'd seen them come and go She must have had some others before I finally met her And now that she's all mine, they'd better just forget her Betsy was a lady and that she will remain Betsy took some beatings but she never once complained
She had a classic beauty that everyone could see I was the last to meet her, but she gave her life to me She may be rusted iron, but to me she's solid gold And I just can't hold the tears back 'Cause Betsy's growing old"
Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:04 am |
Joined: Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:29 pm Posts: 1524 Location: Kallangur, Brisbane QLD
Car(s): 3x1965 PR20(Donkey, Jenny n Bundy) 1 1969 PR20(Percy) 2 1968 PR20(Eugine n GT Donor) 1 1968 PR91 GT, 1 1965 Wasp
PR20 Auto wrote: Does that really work, Stickman?. I thought it was urban legend. It sure does  but I do not recommend it as a permanent fix. Good to get you out of trouble short term (very short term) But in saying that I have had it last upto 4yrs in an old paddock/shooting rig before it went to the crushers, motor was still going strong though.
_________________ 1xB+1xE+2xL+1xE+2xT=BELLETT RUST isn't a crime www.gartdesign.com.au
Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:31 am |
PR20 Auto
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:05 am Posts: 50
Car(s): 1967 Bellett Auto Sedan
You must be a very old man, Mark. I was 13 when that song came out. It does describe our cars pretty precisely, though. Doesn't it? I must say how much I've enjoyed following the career of Rolie. They really are a unique little vehicle to drive. Mine is a much more mundane example of the Bellett family, I'm afraid. It was to have had a manual gearbox, twin SU's and extractors, and a '69 head but I liked her too much to change her. The SU's, by the way, I gave away to a bloke who wanted them for a Humber Vogue because (he said) the Isuzu versions of the SU were better than the English ones. Incidentally, the third song reference in my Li'l Darlin' post doesn't need explaining here in Oz. Might need explaining there, though. If only to explain the random "she don't like that kind of behaviour" bit. "Reckless" is in the top ten list of "Greatest Australian songs" (it's a short list). Written by James Reyne from Australian Crawl.
_________________ PR20 Auto
Thu Aug 04, 2016 5:24 am |
PR20 Auto
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:05 am Posts: 50
Car(s): 1967 Bellett Auto Sedan
Farmer, it's Rislone Permanent Head Gasket Fix. $72-50. Cheap if it works. I'll try it this weekend. Thanks again.
_________________ PR20 Auto
Thu Aug 04, 2016 5:28 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:03 pm Posts: 2419
Car(s): 1966 TEARDROP ...MANUAL ...

hi guys I have (had) a 2000 model 626 mazda 2.0 great car for 5 years never let me down and I do some mileage ..about 6 weeks ago coming back from Brisbane and for some reason I looked at the temp gauge and it was in the red (sh..) I pulled over as quick as I could it wasn't steaming as the top part of the radiator had steamed out the water got it towed home my mechanic said 2 things are rebuild or try risolene . repco had plastic container on sale for $50 I thought why not the car is not worth a lot I followed the insrtuctions and put in this metal based glook turned the radiator too full and ran the car for the specific time all good temp gauge is low .Now its test time 5ks down the road you bloody bweety coming home not so good up she went into the red (by the way I put in a new radiator ) so alas it didn't work for me it was too cooked I sold that mazda bought another one owner mazda..put in the new radiator and we are away again thought id share ..its a hit n miss good luck cheers davo
Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:47 am |
PR20 Auto
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:05 am Posts: 50
Car(s): 1967 Bellett Auto Sedan
By the way, The Li'l Darlin' used to look like this at one stage.
IMGP0220.JPG [ 1.45 MiB | Viewed 29778 times ]
_________________ PR20 Auto
Fri Aug 05, 2016 7:28 am |
Joined: Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:17 pm Posts: 2612 Location: Rye Park, N.S.W.
Car(s): Doris, AuntyMary, Shrek, Jimmy; GT, Wasp, Flo & Sed unrestos; 65 Elf; 82 Rodeo, 60 TX550, 72 Sport, & a Sigma.
 Mate, what a transformation! I don't remember seeing her like that before. I hope you get the problem sorted. You need to be cruising in her. Cheers, Matt.
_________________ Life is far too short not to fill it with what you love. - Jackie French.[/size]
Fri Aug 05, 2016 12:01 pm |
Joined: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:51 am Posts: 1034
Car(s): 1964 GT Isuzu Bellett

Holly Mishmanuten!! Just been away from Bellett.net and my friends for too long, Wooot?? Yes, Sticko, Farmer, Pom and everybody else. I have loved Rollies journey too. Our special cars have become part of our lives and are part of the family after so many years and experience, hence they assume character. I see a reference to Broom Broom and proud of it!! Certainly up to playing the name game. That's why i still refer to my GT as little Blue Beastie, because it always behaves like a giant slayer in traffic and especially when you poke it up inclines, it is Little......Blue.....and Beastie,  I suppose it's why our cat is not called "CAT", but was named by Liz when she picked her up from the orphanage....LILLY (Tiger Lilly) because of her pure tiger markings and massive feline temperament. It sticks and she responds to it. Anyway, think, think....nick name for Brett  ....maybe PR91? because he IS PR91?.....So how come the number plate isn't alpha numeric? Or should it be "Just another PR91". BTW Sticko, what prompted the cop to call him Donkey, I'd like to know what was going on inside his head. Was Donkey kicking out the rears just like a "Donkey" when the cop saw him? Normal doesn't get me by, maybe that's why I love my Bellett, totally Wierd Matt...I mean Farmer. Oh, and good luck whith shoving Goo down the radiator. I've heard it works for some and not for others. Didn't work for our '86 Magna. Head was too fritzed. New head and radiator overhaul, ran like new. Sold off the footpath for $650 and 570,000 kms, still see it being flogged around the burbs 4 years later!! B.
Wed Aug 10, 2016 6:35 am |
Joined: Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:29 pm Posts: 1524 Location: Kallangur, Brisbane QLD
Car(s): 3x1965 PR20(Donkey, Jenny n Bundy) 1 1969 PR20(Percy) 2 1968 PR20(Eugine n GT Donor) 1 1968 PR91 GT, 1 1965 Wasp
GTtoo wrote: BTW Sticko, what prompted the cop to call him Donkey, I'd like to know what was going on inside his head. Was Donkey kicking out the rears just like a "Donkey" when the cop saw him? B. Long story short....... I was pulled over for hooning  Caught sideways, mid drift around a round-about with no exhaust on the car (there is another story for that  ) Kind of hard not to draw attention like that. Anywho, he was cool, just wanted to know - quote "What the hell is it??" Chated for 10-15mins then told me - quote "If your going to race a horse, you ride a Stallion NOT a Donkey" 
_________________ 1xB+1xE+2xL+1xE+2xT=BELLETT RUST isn't a crime www.gartdesign.com.au
Thu Aug 11, 2016 10:14 am |
PR20 Auto
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:05 am Posts: 50
Car(s): 1967 Bellett Auto Sedan
We could call Brett, "Bjorn", GT. As in the old Steppenwolf song "Bjorn to be Wild". The Rislone treatment didn't work first time around. I'm going to leave it in there and run her again a few times to see if the heat will seal it up. The whole thing is weird. The block and head are fine as far as clearances go. And this water is running out of the exhaust even when the motor is hot. Should be steam by then. Also, I'm not losing much coolant either. But by the coughing and spluttering and missing she definitely has fluid in her bores. Ah well, at least next time I pull her apart the Rislone will give me a tracer to see where the coolant has gone.
_________________ PR20 Auto
Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:32 am |
PR20 Auto
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:05 am Posts: 50
Car(s): 1967 Bellett Auto Sedan
By the way, Stickman, what sort of constabulary do you have there? Surely it's an offense for that walloper to compare a Bellett to a donkey (or a horse, even a stallion). Man has no sense of etiquette.
_________________ PR20 Auto
Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:42 am |
Joined: Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:29 pm Posts: 1524 Location: Kallangur, Brisbane QLD
Car(s): 3x1965 PR20(Donkey, Jenny n Bundy) 1 1969 PR20(Percy) 2 1968 PR20(Eugine n GT Donor) 1 1968 PR91 GT, 1 1965 Wasp
PR20 Auto wrote: By the way, Stickman, what sort of constabulary do you have there? Surely it's an offense for that walloper to compare a Bellett to a donkey (or a horse, even a stallion). Man has no sense of etiquette. He was the type that drives a 270Kw Cosworth powered Escort, and he wasn't too shy about rubbing my nose in it either.
_________________ 1xB+1xE+2xL+1xE+2xT=BELLETT RUST isn't a crime www.gartdesign.com.au
Fri Aug 12, 2016 9:18 am |
Joined: Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:17 pm Posts: 2612 Location: Rye Park, N.S.W.
Car(s): Doris, AuntyMary, Shrek, Jimmy; GT, Wasp, Flo & Sed unrestos; 65 Elf; 82 Rodeo, 60 TX550, 72 Sport, & a Sigma.
A little thing to try, take the plugs out before starting one morning. See if any are wet, or cleaner than the rest. Then wind the starter over and see if you get sprayed with coolant. At least you will see which pot the problem is in. Gary's Crown I mentioned earlier was filling one bore overnight, and he had to pump the water out before starting it.
I too have a coolant problem with the old Sigma. It blows bubbles in the radiator and pushes coolant into the catch tank, but doesnt draw it back when cooling. In fact, the pressure stays in the radiator, even after a week! Bore stays dry and it starts ok and doesnt get hot, not for half an hour or so. The Rislone didn't work there, because it didn't get drawn into the fault. How does this work? Mechanic mate Brad has a device that traces where the pressure is coming from somehow. I will take it to him soon.
Cheers, Matt.
_________________ Life is far too short not to fill it with what you love. - Jackie French.[/size]
Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:24 am |
Joined: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:51 am Posts: 1034
Car(s): 1964 GT Isuzu Bellett
Too right Farmer, also same problem with our past 86 magna. Throwing watery gunk at you when winding over engine without a spark plug present in the problem cylinder. Ultimately a head problem, and such a fine crack at that. Ditch old head and a replacement head easy to find. Coupled with new gasket and radiator overhaul? Problem solved.
Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:58 pm |
Joined: Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:52 am Posts: 44
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You know water is a byproduct of complete combustion right? So when your engine is running efficiently you will always get a bit of condensation dripping out the tail pipe. If it was steaming when up to temp or smelling of glycol then yes I'd suspect a head gasket. My best advice is to take it for a good drive then turn it off and pull the plugs and post a pic of them here.
Your rough running could be anything.
Mon Sep 05, 2016 10:48 pm |
PR20 Auto
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:05 am Posts: 50
Car(s): 1967 Bellett Auto Sedan
Thanks Redzone. There was a great deal of water (more than likely from just combustion product) at the tailpipe though and water in two and three bores. However the Rislone seems to have kicked in (finally) and they are dry now. Also, the water at the tailpipe is back to normal levels at idle. As you suspected the plugs are all sooty black from too rich a mixture, which explains some of the misbehavior. That is another issue, though. The high float level I can fix, but the mixture screw is badly worn and I assume that, therefore, it's seat is too. Either way it's pretty much impossible to set the mixture properly. I can get another carby ('68 almost new)and put a rebuild kit through it to fix that problem. Anyway, thanks Pombellett, Betsy would have been a very good name for her (the song is perfect) but, now that she's behaving again, it's back to the Li'l Darlin (till next time).
_________________ PR20 Auto
Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:19 am |
Joined: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:51 am Posts: 1034
Car(s): 1964 GT Isuzu Bellett
Just goes to to show how tolorent they are. Put in a new set of plugs. Don't forget to close the gap slightly to 0.8 mm by tapping them on a hard surface gently. Turn the mixture down a bit on both carbs. And find where the idle thread problem is. Get someone who knows to look at it.
Tue Sep 13, 2016 1:28 pm |
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