Gampy's time

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Gampy's time

Post by Gampy »

If anybody figures out who I really am, I really do hope you have the decency to respect my desires for anonymity, please.
I really am nobody special, just another human being like you, I'm only locally famous, in fact I doubt I'm even remembered it's been so long.
Howdy all!

This will make some of y'all really happy (to see me go away), others not so much, and most of this, many of you won't want to read so buzz off ... But all are welcome to read my morphine induced babbling ...
It is informative of my situation and why I joined this site in the first place and a bit about who I am.

It's no pity party so don't go sending a bunch of -- I'm Sorry's --, I don't want to hear them ... It is, what it is, we all die sooner or later!
Talking about it also helps me deal with it, if you want to talk about it, go for it, I'm ok with it, heck some of y'all might say something comforting and or helpful, but I understand, mortality is a difficult topic.
But we all get there sooner or later.

And I'm not the first person to die fully aware of that fact ... ATM I feel like a million bux, I have not felt this good in many a year! I'm not in pain, my stomach is not upset, I can actually eat real food and not puke it back up, I could keep on going down the list.
I swear could go dig the car out (Yup still have it race ready, it was just put away for the offseason that our house burnt and has never been taken back out), make a run through the setup, nut and bolt it, take it out and blow the field away just as it did the last time it was out, unfortunately, I know it's a Steroid (Dexamethasone) and Morphine (Herion) induced dream for I couldn't even uncover it ATM let alone run through the setup on it, not to mention the 19 year old tires would chunk apart just before I hit the wall diving into turn one at 100MPH! :shock:

I don't want to be treated or remembered different ... I'm still the same asshole, and I will continue to be the same asshole beyond my last breath! The worms are going to hate (or like) me as much as you do!

I've lived a good life and done well for my family!
Including a son with kids I didn't know I even had from a relationship that should not have happened ... Yes, meaning I cheated on my Ol'lady resulting in a son, that son married (a wonderful woman) and fathered three kids, thus I have 3 more grandchildren then I thought, WhooHoo! Which by the way he is 1 year and 1 day younger than our son making him the youngest at 34 years old, our son is 35, our daughter is 39,

Yup, my Ol'lady being the incredible woman she is has taken it in stride and welcomed them with open loving arms ... Unequivocal proof I made the right choice selecting her 40 plus years ago (Aug 28, 1983-2023)! She even told them she is Gammy!
What a woman!

We met them for the first time over the last 4-day Labor Day weekend, and they are planning on coming back on the 20th to stay longer, possibly until I pass or even longer, they are WONDERFUL people, I love them all, especially the kids (grand babies) and I cannot wait to see them again. The unfortunate side is he (they all) have missed out on an incredible different life (and possibly better life, for his mother's side is lacking in stability among other issues).

So, what's all this babble about ... I have emphysema and my time is up, I've been on hospice for a while, they upped their game on me a couple of weeks ago to their highest level of support.
Yes, I do have other health issues that took me out of living life a long time ago, I also have an Autoimmune disease that was slowly doing the same job, taking longer and really making life miserable, however the emphysema has taken control and is what I am at the mercy of ... The Autoimmune disease is most likely the result of A triple F (AFFF) firefighting foam!

For you that don't know, in order to qualify for hospice there must be at least two doctors that will certify that the patient has less then 6 months to live, I've actually been on hospice longer than that already, they tell me I'm difficult to judge because I have a really strong heart, I have been stress tested 3 times and all three times they were unable to get any signs of failure whatsoever, they say that is unusual for those in my condition at my age.

What is emphysema, obviously Google is the place for details, a quick summary is, emphysema causes the inability to exhale Co2, so emphysema patients have a buildup of Co2, any and all muscle activity (plus some other things) adds to it (for example breathing, uses muscles), also without the ability to get the Co2 out, there is no room for oxygen inhalation. So, it is a battle between them for lung space.
Think about the Co2 retention this way, many people have committed suicide by breathing in their old school cars Co2 laden exhaust!

COVID (or even the flu) is a death sentence, so I have been in isolation since COVID hit, I live in my own space separate from the rest of the house, that was fine while I was still able to do for myself, like get to the restroom, get my own snacks, drinks, etc..., unfortunately that has changed, I am no longer strong enough to wheel myself to the restroom (I'm in a wheelchair), or to stand up without assistance so my family decided that I needed to be moved into the house where they could assist me easier so they rearranged our formal dining room into a place for my remaining days, there is a bathroom right around the corner and down the hall a short distance, plus it is centrally located where all can keep an eye on me easier ... Yes, it's risky, but at this stage it really doesn't matter, and we all want to be closer together.

That is why I have been offline for the last couple of weeks, I was unable to get to my computers ... That has changed obviously, and I'll explain and do a show and tell about what my eldest son and his wife did for me, it's pretty damn cool!

I was first diagnosed in 2015, I was diagnosed deep into stage 4 (some call it End Stage) with a FEV1/FVC score of 24% (That is the FEV1 score divided by the FVC score) (don't know what that means, a Google for ya!: FEV1/FVC Score), at that point it became about quality of life for longevity is no longer an option, last test was in 2018 and I was at 18%, no more testing has been done or will be done, I get pretty much whatever I ask for medically speaking, for example, I have an unlimited supply of Morphine, Oxygen and Steroids I can take as I like, pretty much no limits, along with any of the rest of the drugs I take, and they have a plethora of them here I don't take, but they say I should have on hand. I no longer go to doctors, we either Telehealth or Zoom, and they use a proxy nurse, 911 is not an option (except for normal stuff, I fall, etc...), they are required to support life, I (or whomever is on watch) calls my hospice provider and they handle the rest, including calling EMT's if necessary ... I do have a signed DNR on display, my provider has a signed DNR on file.

How I got into this situation, I'm a racer and I am willing to dance with the devil to stay a bumper ahead of the competition but I will NOT CHEAT PERIOD! and I WILL NOT USE MY BUMPER PERIOD!, to me cheating soils the win, I am also the one that chose to do the shit I have done, I am the one that stood over (breathing with no respirator) some really nasty shit in my life, and I do mean some really nasty shit! I am the one whom chose to paint uncountable numbers of race cars/chassis/cages/etc... even a few cars, pickups and semi-trucks without respirator, most of the time. My last race car chassis was the most brilliant green developed at the time, it was a fresh new brilliance developed just for me! Grave Digger Green was dull compared to mine, so is Articat Green. This was over 20 years ago, today there are brilliant greens far superior to mine!
My point is the last time I painted its chassis I came out of the clear plastic temporary paint booth (that looked alien at night with a low light on inside, the chassis setting on stands, over spray everywhere all in a green glowing hue) with the inside of my nostrils bright green, my teeth, hair, etc...

Y'all get the point!

And to top that, I was also smoker, I started smoking at 9, full time at 11 when I got my first job as a heavy equipment mechanic for the local rich guy (my first mentor) that owned a machine shop. What an awesome and extremely intelligent man he was, still to this day I have yet to meet another human being of his quality! And I do look HARD!
He was a very special human being, and everyone that knows him says that, not just me ...

Now you wonder why I am telling you all this, it is because that is exactly why I joined this place in 2018, it's something I like to do (programming), I know old school Automotive, not new school computerized Automobiles, I needed something to do that was not physical to keep my mind active and not dwelling on the fact that I can no longer do anything I LOVE to do, my passions ... Like Racing, Fabrication and Machining, Welding, Fixing things, things I have done since I was 4 years old when I set my first roots blower down on top of a 283SBC in front of a Powerglide in a 1944 Dodge Power Wagon Weapons Carrier that we used for a ranch truck, it had side tool boxes, a weapons lift (One of them WWII hand crank units that attached to the bomb rack to lift bombs into the bomb rack) so we could lift heavy stuff in to and out of it while out in the fields (Woods). Our closest neighbor was 3 miles away at the end of our driveway, yes, I was raised off grid until I was 19, we had a D4 Cat engine turning a 10kw generator to supply the ranch power, we didn't have a phone until I was around 14 when dad and I dug 4 3/10 miles of ditch to bury phone lines in.

In 1982/3 I got into computers by accident, I was tasked with cleaning up the parts inventory for the V2 Division aboard the USS Constellation CV-64, that is when I met my second mentor, my computer mentor, and I got the programming bug, my second mentor taught me a shipload of AWESOME rules to follow that have never let me down while working with computers, programming mostly, that is what he did, in fact his rules have credited me with hundreds and hundreds of one off bug fixes (by not using hex values for Counts and Indexes) after I got out of the USN, I tried to become a computer programmer, starved for years, the wife, kids and I were tired of starving due to my poor math skills, one really does need good math skills (I can barely do 1+1 in my head) to code professionally, so I jumped ship and went back to what I know and liked, fabrication and machining, I had already been a heavy equipment machinic for 10 years earlier in life, was very successful but hated (love hate) it because broken heavy equipment is usually hanging on the side of a mountain either freezing ass cold, fry pan hot with foot deep powder dust or wet and muddy!

Well, the return to fabrication and machining (job shop as we called it, because we did a lot of things including silk screening and computer repair, sheet metal, various plastic's molding, injection, rotary, etc...) did us really well, I also kept on with computers, slowly the backlog of computer work pushed me into opening a computer sales and repair business, it just kept growing, and growing, I was now full time into the computer biz, then that lucky (or unlucky depending on how you look at it) Monday morning ring happened when you answer the phone and it's a very well-known very large corporation needing help ASAP! That job took 14 years and a cross country move to complete ...

Then our house burns December 26, 2004 @9:21PM, I was having medical issues that were affecting my ability to work reliably, I was letting more and more customers down, so I sold the computer business, and I rebuilt our new house!

I am one of them hyperactive individuals, I go full tilt all the time, even now today, my new nurse made comment on that just yesterday, he sure moves quick doesn't he she remarked to my wife, my wife snickered and replied, "he doesn't slow down, ever, I've been trying for years".

In my lifetime I have found very few people that can keep up with me in whatever I am doing, I physically move extremely fast, I am one of those people that can catch your dollar every time, I have incredible reflexes, I rarely ever drop anything and have it hit the floor, even if someone next to me drops something it won't hit the floor typically.

I talk faster than most people can listen (why I won't have a conversation on a phone or over VoIP), I am constantly being asked to slow down so they can understand what I'm saying or doing.

The purpose of all this gibberish is simply the following ...

This place and the folks on it (those of you that have tolerated my presence) have been an incredible source to keep my mind active while my body rots away from under me ...

I know it doesn't seem like it here recently, but Antus has been one of the best, he is what I consider an internet friend, not just an internet acquaintance as I do most, and I can count my internet friends on one finger! I do respect him immensely. I know it seems odd that I become an asshole to those I respect, I care for or like, but you have to understand it from my point of view, I would not waste my time on those I don't care for or respect ... I do like and respect him, that is why I do what I do.
But just because I'm an asshole to you, doesn't mean I like you, in fact it's typically the opposite.

So, to wrap this up I really want to thank each and every one of you (like me or not) for being here and working in the Spirit of the Community, I despise those that take their skills to the grave like the generation before me did.

That is why I offer up unsolicited thoughts, ideas and opinions, it's not because I think I'm better, or I know more, I don't, I'm just another human being just like you.

It's been a great ride with some of y'all ... Wish we could keep it up, but I cannot, it's getting really tough to keep fighting for each breath, the more I have to fight, the more Morphine I have to take, the more Morphine I have to take the deeper I get into this Morphine induced stupor!

I pray it goes quick for you, when it's your time and doesn't drag on and on as it has for me all the while knowing it's coming sooner than later and preventing you from living life as it has for me ...

I'm done, I no longer can do it, I'm out of here for the most part, I'm going to push my final beta that works good for all C Kernel supported PCM's plus the P08 & E54 but is on a knife edge on the typical AMD and Intel 512k P04.

Thank you all for being who you are and doing what you do, it has been a real pleasure knowing EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU and watching what you do!

I don't think I could have picked a better place to spend my remaining days ... Thank you all!

Intelligence is in the details!

It is easier not to learn bad habits, then it is to break them!

If I was here to win a popularity contest, their would be no point, so I wouldn't be here!
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Re: Gampy's time

Post by Gampy »

So, I had to shrink my desk and needs to fit my new location ... This is about what we came up with!

The location I had to fit into is much smaller and my needs are larger then the space, so it just wasn't going to happen thus some shrinking had to happen ... we were just thinking of having our eldest son modify a table with some longer legs and add caster wheels, to fit over the hospital bed I am now relegated to, when his wife while searching around the web looking at options ran across this Kenney Height Adjustable Desk on Wayfair, it looked promising as a starting point and was purchased ... Unfortunately, it is only big enough for 1 PC tower and that just isn't going to work, I'm used to having at least 5 PC's surrounding me, and at least 3 more on the bench next to me, something I do not do is wait on a PC, it drives me NUTS!

So, after some thought, the PC base was widened to handle two towers, strengthened to handle the weight of the two towers and a dozen PCM's, plus multiple power sources to handle multiple VCI's etc, etc... then tested ... Nope, not going to work, it doesn't roll good enough, time to replace the casters, testing again found the keyboard and mouse positioning to be flawed, so round one of keyboard tray mod went into action ... Well, after 5 renditions of the keyboard tray I've finally come up with a workable solution as shown in the following images, but it may still yet change.
I'm sure some of you caught the Keyboard tray wood brackets hanging down in an obtrusive way with hard corners causing knee/leg collisions, injuries, fetching up on the comforter, etc..., etc.... as seen in the first image, well they got whittled down a bit
KeyBoard Tray Bracket
KeyBoard Tray Bracket
and do not warrant an after image for they can no longer be seen at all, nor are they even in the way any longer, they no longer fetch up on the comforter either.

So, what we have here is 2 Workstation's on copper to a server that is remaining in its previous location, both workstations are MSI z590 PRO WiFi's with 32gigs RAM, 500gigs M.2, integrated Graphics and Sound powered by Intel i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz and Win11 64.

2 Bench Power Supplies, a TekPower TP3005T Lab/Bench Power Supply with a Wal-Wart from a Netgear Hub hanging off the side of it for a second 12v power source. NOTE: It has it's own A/C power switch as well, makes for a good Battery Disconnect.

8 PCM's
Front Stack (Right)
P59 Intel
Rear Stack (Left)
P04 (512k) Intel
P04 (512k) AMD
P08 (HW: 16268310)
P08 (HW: 16204850)
3 VCI's on a 4 way spliter.
1. Genuine Bosch MasterTech II - On copper network.
2. GM MDI Clone - On copper network. NOTE: This (Best quality For GM MDI Scan tool with WIFI V2023.07) has been a good unit for the price even though mine came from the factory flawed, they were willing to fix it, I just needed to send it to China, it was a cold solder joint, I fixed it myself. Mine is also an older version 2020.09.
3. Spark Fun OBDII UART w/SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout (Serial to USB), uses the STN1110 Chip, great STN powered unit. I use it for 1x testing now. This is the culprit that got me into doing this stuff and brought me here to, I got it as a gift from my wife, she was hoping it would change my attitude about the "You are dying Mr. Gampy message I received from the doctors in 2015", it didn't work, it took a car to get me off the pity wagon! That is when I got the Nitto roasting toy from her, it did get me off the couch and got me doing things again, even though I couldn't do the stuff I had done all my life, my passions! At least I got off the couch and pitty wagon, and got back to doing something other than laying on the couch whining like a baby about dying!
It is still evolving, to fit my needs and desires ... We'll see where it goes!

Intelligence is in the details!

It is easier not to learn bad habits, then it is to break them!

If I was here to win a popularity contest, their would be no point, so I wouldn't be here!
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Re: Gampy's time

Post by The1 »

Any reply is hard and words are never enough.

Our time is finite in the grand scheme of things and you haven't wasted a minute.
I've seen the same thing in my family unfortunately.
Sadly you've had a life that many young people today will miss out on.

Thanks heaps for all your help and glad you've been there to assist. :comp: :driving: :turbo: :punk:
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Re: Gampy's time

Post by rjdrew1986 »

To borrow from Churchill referring to Blechley Park, how many of us owe so much to the few. Certainly yourself and Antus are among the few in my mind. Godspeed.
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Re: Gampy's time

Post by Gampy »

If anybody figures out who I really am, I really do hope you have the decency to respect my desires for anonymity, please.
I really am nobody special, just another human being like you, I'm only locally famous, in fact I doubt I'm even remembered it's been so long.
For some people mortality is a tough topic, period, others not so much, I for example, I believe that is due to the following, I was born in the city (O'Connor Hospital, San Jose, California, USA) but raised off grid in what is truly Northern California (North of San Franscisco, in Mendocino County, the Emerald Triangle, of course it was not called off grid then, that is a modern term, it was just country living.

I was 3 years old when I got my first Angora Goat, we lived in Los Altos Hills California, we had too many animals and they ran us out of Los Altos Hills, so my dad came home one day and said I just bought a 10,000 acre ranch (of course I was too young to understand), 6 days later the gent we bought it from died, his son said we took advantage and ripped his dad off, we wound up in court for 15 years, losing most of that 10,000 acres to pay lawyers.

Anyways, I raised her to breeding age and had her bred, she had 2 kids, breeder got one, and I took both mom and the other kid to Auction and bought a day-old calf, my parents were pissed, they wanted me to keep the money and put it in the bank.

Well, I'm a definite meat eater (beef), I love a good piece of LEAN beef with a bit of fat trimmings, not this shit they call marbled today, marbling is the result of modernization and high speed production, box store style and the industry is just trying to get you to buy ... Marbled beef is disgusting, and if you think not, it is purely because you just have never had a good piece of beef, pure and simple!

Another way to understand this, check out old school info from back in the day, like old newspapers where they are selling beef, the add will be based on limited fat, on the edges, pictures would have been cleaned to remove fat except from the edges (i.e., Trimmings)

I bottled fed that calf and nursed her until she was about two and a half, three years old, then whipped out the .222 and put a round right between her eyes, gutted her, hung and skinned her out, then took her hide and had it tanned, I had it until I went into the military, I left all my stuff with my dad for safe keeping, yea safe, right, I have NOTHING OF MY CHILDHOOD because I kept it where it should have been safe, I never got my hide back, he claimed it was his in the first place, I was hopeful when he passed, but then the executor of the will (Oldest half-sister) denied my part of the will, leaving me with NOTHING, not even the stuff that was already mine, even in her own mind!
Including my 1919 Fordson Tractor, my 1926 Chevrolet Flatbed that the whole family knew was mine, it really sucks, because I gained the resources to restore them, I had dreams of showing them with the tractor on the flatbed.

Anyways, the moral of the story is, we used to set at the table, saying things like, Taffy's good, please pass Taffy, I want another piece of Taffy ...

Taffy was here name!

I loved that ranch, still do to this minute, I had plans, my dad had others with a 26-year-old, he was 44 ... Mom had her own and they weren't with dad, because he wouldn't give up that little ... Sorry, but my mom was a good-looking woman, in the 50's she was a roller derby queen, she had a body to die for and a beautiful face.
That is one reason I feel I am qualified to say the things I said in my first posts about my wife, I truly was one lucky bastard when I stumbled into the left hand turn lane she was in, in her Triumph Spitfire when I saw her for the very first time, I said, pull in, have a drink ... She turned her nose up and her girlfriend said let's get out of here!

Next thing I know something was pushing at the back of my legs as I was standing there talking to some other chick in my favorite parking spot on the Pacific Avenue Cruz in Stockton California.
I turned around and it was her!

The rest is history ...

If anybody figures out who I really am, I really do hope you have the decency to respect my desires for anonymity, please.
I really am nobody special, just another human being like you, I'm only locally famous, in fact I doubt I'm even remembered it's been so long.

Intelligence is in the details!

It is easier not to learn bad habits, then it is to break them!

If I was here to win a popularity contest, their would be no point, so I wouldn't be here!
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Re: Gampy's time

Post by vlad01 »

Yeah I know how much medical issues suck having suffered many uncommon and extremely rare conditions most of my teen and adult life that have perplexed medical experts and many of my current debilitating conditions caused by the very thing we call medical science in an ironic twist. I too have spent much of my time on here seeing and reading everyone's projects to keep my mind off things and keep me motivated to get out there and do things, which often helped with my overall well being and slow recovery.

As The1 mentioned, I too have had many pass away in the last 2 years, mainly from my partner's side and friend's side from some very abrupt and unfortunate events, too many young people only in their 30s too.

I guess all you can do is just your best to help others and importantly look after yourself too and try to have fun until your time is up.
I'm the director of VSH (Vlad's Spec Holden), because HSV were doing it ass about.
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Re: Gampy's time

Post by Gampy »

Wow, Vlad01, that concerns me that some may feel I am trivializing their situations ... That pains me, that is not my intent, in fact I would enjoy hearing others stories, heck I ain't greedy, most people just don't like to talk about their own health issues, well heck, who knows more about yourself then yourself!

All I really did this for is people have been picking up on my snide remarks about my EOL situation and wanted to know more, I didn't want to keep having to repeat it and thought this would be the best way to cover many at once ...

Heck if folks want to open up with their own issues, I AM ALL EARS!
I know I am not the only one that has health issues.

My stuff is mostly self inflicted and I deserve what I get by life's choices, definitely the emphysema is, and it's the root cause of my current situation. Some are due to other issues like crashes or results of Military Service.

Open up, I'd love to hear yours ...

Intelligence is in the details!

It is easier not to learn bad habits, then it is to break them!

If I was here to win a popularity contest, their would be no point, so I wouldn't be here!
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Re: Gampy's time

Post by antus »

I don't really have anything to add, but thanks for sharing, it is an interesting read. It sounds like you've have a really interesting life full of ups and downs.
Have you read the FAQ? For lots of information and links to significant threads see here:
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Re: Gampy's time

Post by Tre-Cool »

While having never had any direct interaction with you Gampy, I find your straight shooter, no bullshit attitude enjoyably & often funny.

I too am a drag racer with multiple cars in my collection. I do tuning as a side gig to my main job (IT/Process Control in Mining), but my side hussle "workshop" probably rivals a lot of local shops. I seem to fix tunes from pretty much all of them.

Unlike you, i still keep a lot of my thoughts & opinions to myself unless it's of a technical nature, I'm not quite at the end of my rope yet.

Having recently reached the ripe age of 40, an age I always thought i would be dead by as a kid. Especially since I was a bit of a "dennis the menace" in my younger years, so have collected my stitches, scars, concussions. My only health issues resolve around frequent kidney stones, though i did have a recent health scare with a benign growth in my bladder that dr had tested for cancer.

to be honest, i figured if i know i have a count down/limited days. i would worry a whole lot less about repercussions from the law. like doing midnight high speed freeway runs etc.

I'm not a religious person, so will say that I hope your life has been one of meaning & that when you do pass, you go with a smile on your face.

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Re: Gampy's time

Post by gmtech825 »

thanks for all your contributions to this site. I hope your remaining time is comfortable.
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